Reigniting the Passion in Your Relationship – Happiness Seekers Online

Dedicated to helping you reignite the passion, intimacy and spark in your relationship. Designed for anyone who feels their relationship is struggling or missing that special ‘something’. How would it feel to make your relationship great again? To restore the connection and intimacy, rather than living from a place of survival or monotony?

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This is a special two-part Happiness Seekers Online dedicated to helping you reignite the passion, intimacy and spark in your relationship. Designed for anyone who feels their relationship is struggling or missing that special ‘something’.

Relationship struggles are common, particularly for working women and mothers. You’re so busy juggling all the responsibilities and expectations in your day and then when you get home you have a partner to consider. It can be downright exhausting!

But, how would it feel to make your relationship great again? To restore the connection and intimacy, rather than living from a place of survival or monotony? Change always begins with YOU! When you change, everyone around you changes. If you want to see radical shifts in your relationship, the first place you start is with yourself. Because you cannot give out what you don’t hold inside. You cannot be love if you have hate or resentment building up inside. You cannot be playful and fun if you are stressed, tired and overwhelmed by life.


Do you identify with any of the following statements?

You feel too busy or do not have the time to invest in your relationship

You couldn’t be bothered; everything you have tried in the past has failed

You don’t feel you are on the same page or ‘wavelength’

You feel frustrated as a woman that you are the one that has to do all of the work (physically, mentally, emotionally)

You have different expectations of sex or your libido has decreased

You are sick of the arguments, conflict, disagreements, stonewalling, silent treatments or gas lighting

You feel you have changed or grown apart

You don’t have common interests

You don’t spend time together and often feel lonely and unloved

You have extended family issues

You feel misunderstood, rejected, abandoned, disappointed

You don’t get enough attention or affection from your partner

You are giving too much but getting little back

You have a tendency to control others


In this two-part Happiness Seekers Online, we will come together to work on our relationships. You will pinpoint where your relationship is struggling and what you need to forgive and let go. You will release the emotional pain from previous fights or experiences that you have not yet dealt with. You will release your relationship blocks and begin cultivating a new relationship based on how you wish it to be…passionate, fun, intimate, connected, playful, respectful, gracious, full of laughter, committed and romantic.

In Part 2, scheduled two weeks’ later, we will review your relationship from a new perspective and clean up the emotional residue; whatever is left which is causing you to view your relationship in a negative way. This is a wonderful way of immersing yourself in the work and acts as a great opportunity for accountability.

I am excited to work with you to transform your relationship into a passionate, intimate, loving and connected one again! Register below to save your virtual seat.

Part 1 – Thursday 20th February @ 7pm AEDT

Part 2 – Thursday 5th March @ 7pm AEDT

(Price is for access to both events – one ticket for both web classes)