Life is Meant to Be Easy


~ Do you or your family have a history of struggle?

~ Is everything difficult for you?

~ Do you constantly feel like you are carrying the world on your shoulders and it’s an uphill battle?

Well, I was so sick of struggling and making things difficult.

You see I come from a family where everything was hard and you had to struggle to get by. You were always doing and trying but getting nowhere. What I recently found out was that I had been taking that same program into my healing journey.

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Important: If you are new to tapping, my website, or have never worked with me before, I highly recommend you watch this video, A Crash Course in Understanding the Subconscious Mind.


Do you or your family have a history of struggle?

Is everything difficult for you?

Do you constantly feel like you are carrying the world on your shoulders and it’s an uphill battle?

Well, I was so sick of struggling and making things difficult.

You see I come from a family where everything was hard and you had to struggle to get by. You were always doing and trying but getting nowhere. What I recently found out was that I had been taking that same program into my healing journey.

Even though I use an incredibly simply and highly effective tool and was getting results, I still struggled to get quick results.

It was always hard work and lots of trying and trying…

Yet, while working with hundreds of clients, I observed how so many of them would have just a few sessions only to experience real, tangible life changes in a very short amount of time, not to mention, easily and efficiently.

What about that old saying, life wasn’t meant to be easy.” 

What if it’s not true… what if it’s just old programs playing out. You want to honour your parents, your ancestors and their struggle. They did it hard, so therefore I should be doing it hard.

Realising that I am not the only one brought up with this programming, I decided to address the issue.

Ask yourself, “If you could have a bird’s eye view of your life, what three words would describe your healing journey?”

I asked myself the same question and I came up with ‘struggle, hard and always trying’.

The penny dropped…I had taken that same program and applied it to my healing journey and so too had many of my clients.

The absolutely great news is that we can change it.

I did some tapping on this program recently and immediately things started to become easier. Woo Hoo!!


>> In this MP3 recording, you will discover a way to break out of your life’s ‘hard’ program and start living a life of ease.

This recording is designed for results, impact and difference! It is practical and applicable because nothing works wonders like taking action in your life. We apply tapping, in the moment, on the recording.

Forget to-do lists and exercises you have to implement later. We address what shows up and we tackle it on the spot.

Beware: This may cause serious miracles in your life.


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