Important: If you are new to tapping, my website, or have never worked with me before, I highly recommend you watch this video, A Crash Course in Understanding the Subconscious Mind.
So many people have desires, dreams and wishes, but what does it mean to bring them into true alignment so that they become a reality in your life?
I find the first step is to get really clear on what those true desires are and why you are wanting them in the first place. Often what feels like a true desire does not end up being what you want to manifest more of in your life.
While clarity is an important step, it is also about being completely congruent with your desires; that’s where the alignment comes in. You have to think and act a specific way to reinforce your desires and attract them to you.
I have been practicing these steps for many years now and the success lies in being in total alignment. It can be a tricky concept for some people to get their head around and that’s why I love nothing more than teaching others how easy this can be. You really can have what you want and be happy and peaceful in life.
This recording is all about the HOW – getting into alignment with your true desires and inviting more of what you really want into your life! Please join me on this recording for instruction, practice and fun!!