FORGIVENESS! Of family members


While family time is a joyous experience for most people, for many Christmas and family celebrations is a harsh reminder of strained relationships, and a time of heightened tension and conflict. Old past hurts may arise, resulting in family arguments and feelings of loneliness, depression and anxiety.

That’s why I’m really excited about this MP3 recording address the concept of FORGIVENESS! 

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Important: If you are new to tapping, my website, or have never worked with me before, I highly recommend you watch this video, A Crash Course in Understanding the Subconscious Mind.


While family time is a joyous experience for most people, for many Christmas and family celebrations is a harsh reminder of strained relationships, and a time of heightened tension and conflict. Old past hurts may arise, resulting in family arguments and feelings of loneliness, depression and anxiety.

That’s why I’m really excited about this MP3 recording address the concept of FORGIVENESS! 

We have all heard of the saying, “Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” It is hard to accept, but the only person we are hurting when we hold onto old resentment is ourselves.

Quite often people confuse forgiveness with consent that “what he/she did was okay,” but what we are really saying is, “what you or I did is not okay, but I no longer want to carry the hurt, pain or guilt inside of me.”

In fact, we really need to forgive what we DID or DIDN’T do in a particular situation in order to truly forgive ourselves.

In this recording you will addressing and eliminating painful memories, thoughts, feelings and events that have contributed to a lack of forgiveness.

  • Release the resentment, bitterness and feelings of unforgiveness
  • Develop a deep sense of peace BEFORE you have to spend time with loved ones
  • Eliminate the torturous thoughts and feelings you have towards other people
  • Understand how forgiving another is really about helping yourself
  • Learn how forgiveness is the number one self esteem hack

I would love nothing more than to help you feel an increased sense of peace, reassurance and calm this year, so you can truly value the time you have with your loved ones.