How to Overcome Self Sabotage

Learn how to release sabotaging behaviours using tapping 

Self sabotage is an oftentimes subconscious habit of negative thinking and acting which can lead to negative results. It’s often difficult to recognise when we are sabotaging ourselves, but the consequences can be devastating.

Self sabotage often occurs as a result of our own insecurities or doubts, and can take many forms, from refusing to try new things, to putting off important conversations, to staying stuck in old patterns.  

Learning to recognise and stop self sabotage is one of the most important steps on the road to success. And, one way to overcome self-sabotage is by using Faster EFT tapping.

But first, let me quickly explain the role of the subconscious mind… 

The subconscious mind is often seen as the seat of our emotions and instincts. It’s responsible for keeping us safe and helping us make snap decisions in dangerous or stressful situations.

But the subconscious mind is also responsible for a lot more than that. It’s responsible for everything from our breathing and heart rate to the way we react to other people. It’s also responsible for our memories, habits, and feelings. In short, the subconscious mind is responsible for pretty much everything that makes us who we are.

With self sabotage, there is an aspect of yourself that does not feel safe. This may due to painful past events or experiences, or you may have learned to feel unsafe in your environment. When we self sabotage, we are using a strategy to stay safe! This blocks us from getting what it is we want, ie. freedom, love, a slimmer body, or more money. Please know this aspect of ourselves ALWAYS comes from a place of love and protection.

So, how can you overcome self sabotaging behaviours? Join me as we recognise and release them using Faster EFT tapping!!

I hope you enjoy this video, and drop me a line if you want me to create a Faster EFT tapping video on a subject that has not been yet covered:

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