In this Faster EFT tapping video I lead you through a session to demonstrate how to overcome the fear of commitment.
Do you have a fear of being in a relationship? Want to discover how to heal commitment issues? Do you want to learn how to stop being afraid of relationships?
How to tell if you have fear of commitment issues – these are the signs you might have a fear of commitment in your relationship
- Avoiding making future plans, or thinking or talking about the future
- You avoid serious long term relationship decisions
- Lack of emotional attachment to the person
- You delay responding to texts or phone calls
- Flaky or inconsistent behaviours
- Poor communication
- History of short-lived relationships
- You spend a lot of time questioning the relationship; whether the person really loves you or what’s going to happen next
- When you think of committed relationship it makes you uneasy
- You feel trapped
- The thought of a long term monogamous relationship is terrifying to you
- You’ve been betrayed before
- You choose partners who aren’t quite a match
It Keeps You Safe!
Hanging onto a fear of commitment means you get to remain safe, which while it sounds odd, is most certainly the primary reason you are avoiding commitment. However, what if that isn’t working any more for you and your relationship? What if you could open up to the possibility of long term commitment in a relationship? Imagine making a stronger commitment to that special person – or taking your relationship to the next level. While it sounds scary, imagine how much better your relationship could be.
Lastly, you might be with a good person who you trust and have a connection with, but you’re hesitating, so why not join me in tapping out the commitment resistance.
Join Me and Release Your Fear of Commitment Now!
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Want to work on your commitment issues is a more private setting?