Faster EFT Tapping for My Children Don’t Listen

Are you completely over your children not talking or listening to you?

Do you feel angry, irritable, resentful and frustrated?

It can be infuriating and exasperating when you feel your children are not listening. In this Fastereft style tapping video we are going to address the frustration and anger that can build up when we ask children to do something and they just don’t want to do it. They may say ‘no’, ignore you or engage in a fight. You may feel like you are failing as a parent or that you have no control. Maybe your emotional reactions are excessive because anger has built up over time and turned into absolute intolerance.

I highly recommend you put aside 30 minutes to fully immerse yourself in this video. You don’t want to bring up all of the unresolved emotions without fully addressing them all.

Pam is a certified master practitioner in Faster EFT. She skilfully combines this process with other modalities to help you achieve quick and permanent results. She resides in Australia but works with clients all over the world.