Faster EFT Tapping for Fear of the Future

If you’re the type of person who worries about the future, feels uptight for no reason or experiences dread or feelings of doom, then this Faster EFT tapping video to eliminate your fear of the future is the perfect antidote.

For many people, unpredictability means a lack of control. Not knowing what is going to happen or how it will happen leads to feelings of fear, anxiety and stress.


You might relate to the following statements:

“I worry about the future”

“I’m so anxious right now about what’s to come”

“Something bad is going to happen and it’s causing me to experience anxiety”

“The world is doomed”

“I don’t feel safe”

Maybe you feel a physical discomfort but can’t put your finger on the source. Our subconscious mind’s job is to keep us safe, no matter what. In order to break free from this fear of the future, it is important to go within and address these thoughts and feelings on an internal level. After all, it’s all an inside job!

You’ve probably heard the saying depression is fear of the past and anxiety is fear of the future. What if I told you that it is quite simple to release the fear of the future with this Faster EFT tapping video, including all of your anxious thoughts and feelings?

No more dread, avoidance, hiding away, ruminating thoughts or panic attacks. Instead, imagine feeling peaceful, calm, surrendered, serene and excited about your future!

In this Faster EFT tapping video, incorporating the Havening technique, I will guide you through a simple process to help you overcome your fear, anxiety and worry about the future.

I find the Faster EFT tapping modality is a fantastic and quick tool to use for immediate improvements. I use this type of tapping throughout my day, every day, to feel good and for my emotional hygiene. Faster EFT is exactly that – a faster, effective version of traditional EFT tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique).

If you would like to dive deeper for accelerated results and work with Pam in a safe, private setting, pleaser consider purchasing a session package.